All Annuals sent....
about 1 year ago
– Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 11:15:34 AM
Hi there,
The postman collected the remaining Annual backer orders today. So for those who have filled in the questionnaire - the annuals have been sent. I will get onto the mugs/frames this weekend, and they will go out on Monday. Many of the mugs have already been sent. All book add-on additional items have also been sent.
In some cases you will receive 2 - 3 packages, depending on the weight of total books ordered.
There are 45 of you who have not filled in the questionnaire - can you please check yourselves if you have done so. If you have, and believe you have not received a link, then let me know in the comments.
if you would like to order extra copies of the annuals, you can now get them on my site here:
Thanks again, Chris
150 to go...
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 07:01:20 AM
Hi there,
So sent over 3,000 items this week - annual packages, ZZAP! Amiga Issue 13, Fusion Issue #50 and orders on the site.
I have around 150 more backer orders to fulfill - will get these done over the weekend.
Please do refrain from chasing for stuff at the moment still - in terms of add-ons remaining, I will get to them next week. I guess it is human nature to chase :)
Cheers, Chris
Packing has commenced....
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Nov 23, 2023 at 04:51:25 AM
Hi there,
So the annuals are now back with me - I did show them at our CRASH Live event last weekend to those who were interested and the reception was good. The event took a lot of my time away from other things - the focus now is to get these books out to you ASAP.
There are 1,583 backers on this campaign, with 78 of those backers going just for the PDFs - so I have over 1,500 packages to send out.
The good news is that by the end of today over 600 packages will have been sent out and that is with just me packing them. My two eldest daughter's do not live at home now, and my son has important A-Level exams to focus on, so it is just me packing these so it will take a little bit more time. I do hope to get them all out over the next 3-4 days though.
Can I ask you please do not chase to find out if I have sent your package - just assume that over the next week yours will be sent. For UK - the postage will take 48hrs, for Europe 10-15 days and the Rest of World around the same time in my experience.
The packages sent so far are to those who pledged on a single annual - CRASH A4, ZZAP! A4, CRASH A5, ZZAP! A5 and Toy Polloi A5.
I will send out the Earlybird next, then work my through the rest. I have sent out a lot of the extra items that have been ordered in Backerkit, though there is still more to send. I will do a sweep up after all the annuals have gone out - I know the framed prints have not gone out yet for example.
Thanks again for your support and patience!!
Cheers, Chris
Thank you and a few messages!
over 1 year ago
– Mon, Oct 09, 2023 at 10:07:39 AM
Hi there,
Thank you for a brilliant campaign and supporting our new annuals.
Whilst the campaign has been running over the last 10 days or so we have been busy finishing the annuals - they have gone to print today (signed off about an hour ago). They should be back around the 10th November - I will endeavour to get as many out that week before showing them off, and having them for sale, at our CRASH event on the 18th November.
The tickets have been on sale the last couple of weeks - we have a capacity of 500 or so. With ticket sales, guests, exhibitors and staff we are now over 400, so I would say there are about 90 or so tickets realistically left - if you would like to come then order tickets ASAP here:
As a BIG thank you for your support on this campaign the GOLD membership will give you access to ALL Fusion Retro Books products as Flipbook and PDF download. This is the product you need to purchase (normally £70) - - add the discount voucher THANKS on checkout to apply the 65%. This is valid for the next 48hrs.
Once purchased just go to the membership area on the menu on the site and you will have access to the membership area. Here is an example of a CRASH magazine flipbook :
From Coin-Ops to Table-Tops
I was at Play Blackpool over the weekend and bumped into an old friend - Chris from GamesYouLoved. I did not know he was now involved in Numskull Games and is behind this brand new book about handhelds. There is a Kickstarter currently running to raise funds for it to be printed here: . I pledged, and I also ended up buying a Astro Blaster handheld at the event!!
Cheers, Chris
65% OFF GOLD membership on our Fusion Retro Books site..
over 1 year ago
– Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 11:09:55 AM
as a BIG thank you for your support on this campaign.
The GOLD membership will give you access to ALL Fusion Retro Books products as Flipbook and PDF download - you will also get a Fusion Insider magazine twice a year (the first issue is about to be sent to members) and discounts on the shop items and and at future events.
This is the product you need to purchase (normally £70) - - add the discount voucher THANKS on checkout to apply the 65%.
Once purchased just go to the membership area on the menu on the site and you will have access to the membership area. Here is an example of a CRASH magazine flipbook :
Cheers, Chris