
Our Fusion Retro Books 2024 Annuals - 4 in total!

Created by Chris Wilkins

ZZAP! 64, FUSION, Toy Polloi and CRASH.

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A HUGE thank you!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Oct 01, 2023 at 04:27:31 AM

Hi guys,

Thanks so much for the initial support!

Amazingly Xmas is around the corner, so it was a bit of a frantic rush to get this campaign underway and a few gremlins in my Welsh brain crept in. Yes, the Annuals will go out in November 2023. I have to send the files to the printers end of play tomorrow to make sure they come back by the middle of November. We are good with CRASH, Toy Polloi and FUSION - I am working on ZZAP! 64 today - nearly there.  A few typos crept into the campaign as well that I cannot change now - again apologies.

So as I said in the text, I will keep this campaign as simple as possible. I will add a few perks this week... mugs etc. I have a new batch of XMAS mugs now in stock for CRASH and ZZAP! 64 i.e.

I have put these as an Extra - so just Manage your pledge - choose your tier and then you will be able to add one if you would like one. I will make sure they are sent as soon as I have your address details.

Thanks again, Chris